Thursday, March 26, 2015

Retirement Readiness Assessment

The Funded Ratio Demo
Recently, I was interviewed by Kiplinger’s regarding my firm’s use of funded ratio analysis in its retirement planning practice. During the interview, I realized that I wasn’t explaining the concept very well, nor providing enough support for funded ratio analysis as a solid retirement planning methodology. While the ratio itself is simple, the concept proved difficult for me to adequately explain over the phone. After the interview, I decided that an interactive, demonstration spreadsheet with an accompanying video tutorial would better explain how this type of analysis can help the individual investor gauge her readiness for retirement.


This YouTube video covers the items in the slide deck above and walks the viewer through a series of steps to complete the demonstration spreadsheet which calculates your funded ratio. If you are interested in obtaining your own copy of the funded ratio demonstration spreadsheet, then please fill out this survey and I’ll email you a copy to use as you please.

Pedagogical vs. Product
This first iteration the Funded Ratio Demo is definitely more educational than functional given the inherent complexities of retirement planning in general, and of do-it-yourself (DIY) retirement planning in particular. If there’s sufficient interest and feedback in this type assessment application, then I’ll continue improve and refine it over time.

Thank you for your consideration…...Jim

About Jim Koch
Jim Koch is the Founder and Principal of Koch Capital Management, an independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in the San Francisco Bay Area. He specializes in providing customized financial solutions to individuals, families, trusts, business entities and other advisers so they are better able to achieve their goals. Jim sees himself as an “implementer” of financial innovation, using state-of-the-art technology to provide practical investment management and retirement planning solutions for clients.

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